Nicey nicey! The psychedelic effects of the guitar worked great and gave an awesome felling while hearing with the headphones, nice job with that. I love the combination of sounds that you present us in that intro and how it all comes together as the buildup for the drums to enter the equation. Once again the guitars in the background have been very well thought, both in playing and in tone and effects, love them.
The main melody on the solo guitar is memorable and not boring at all, it carries the song beautifully.
I like how you did the stop at 02:36, you kept it interesting with lots of sounds coming all over and then when the song returned the new synth you added to the mix was sweet and added a lot.
I think your mixing in this song was pretty damn good!
Also the ending fits a lot better that some of the other endings you have in the album.
From what i heard so far from you, this is your go to song!